“Seeing” large data setsReanalysesSystemsgeneratehugeamountsofdatathatcannotbeabsorbedbythehumanmind withoutfurtherrefinementandinterpretation.Onetoolthathelpstomakethedatamoreaccessible, understandableandusableisdata“visualisation”.Usersgenerateaquerydescribingthedata elementstheywantdisplayed,thetimeperiodtheywantcoveredandthevisualelementstheywant used(eg.colour,imagesize,etc.).Agraphicisthenpresented,givingtheuseraclearvisual representationofotherwisecomplexdata.Thegraphiccanbeastillimageorananimation,for instance:
“Data visualisation makes complex data more accessible, understandable and usable” (Wikipedia)
Tropopause 1000mb Zonal Wind (m/s) composite meanFrom 20CR Reanalysis system
Air temperature (degK) composite winds October 1899 to Oct 1900
The Weather of October 1918 (20CR system)
NASA has plotted GEOS5 aerosols:
A time series visualisation of weather observation data contained in the International Surface Pressure Databank
Movements of the 250 ships whose logbooks were digitised by the oldWeather project (1914-1923)
A visualisation of the impact that observations contributed by ACRE partners had on the 20CR reconstruction of the weather of 1916. It shows:•earlier contributions made by ACRE partners and those more recently made.•The “fog of ignorance” showing global regions where the reconstructions are still very uncertain because there are too few observations.•The “glow of discovery” showing regions where the new observations have produced a large improvement in the confidence of the reconstructions.